As you've plainly got so many other serious psychological problems to deal with, you really shouldn't strain yourself with the additional burden of "feeling like Reynolds".
I'm sure that it would never occur to any of the two or three visitors to this site who have the mental capacity to retain information about anyone for more than five minutes to associate you with Reynolds or to associate what you've written in this thread with anything that Reynolds would ever write.
If Reynolds ever feels prompted to mention some incident he's been personally involved in, it's invariably to illustrate some point about that fragility and eternal inadequacy of the human condition in general, and of his personal condition in particular, that is the only possible foundation on which we might, either collectively or individually, have hope of building something that genuinely merits the name of "strength".
If there's anything posted on either board of Crackyhouse that bears the unmistakable seal of NOT being by Reynolds it's the sort of casual "letting slip", that you indulge in here, of the information that you happen, btw, to be the poor man's Jean-Claude van Damme.
Even less Reynolds-like is the way that you insist on informing us that you make use, of course, only very rarely and with the greatest reluctance of the potentiality to humiliate, maim and dismember that is coursing through the living weapon that years of iron discipline have made of you - being basically a hell of a nice and gentle guy like all those other guys (such as Jean-Claude, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris) who can snuff out a human life in an instant.
And farthest removed of all, in its grotesque, transparent hypocrisy, from anything that Reynolds would ever write is the particular "post-feminist" variation on the old macho bullshit that you regale us with here, namely: that you, needless to say, NEVER beat people up just to show what a bad-ass motherfucker you are, but that, when you see some dude beating up on a WOMAN, well THEN, of course, your gentle, protective, nurturing and anything but macho heart is roused to righteous fury and your fist lashes out without your even knowing it to send that sexually-politically unenlightened representative of an outdated masculinity crumbling pathetically to his knees before you, the representative of a new order of gynocentric harmony.