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File: 1273758992095.jpg -(76429 B, 364x1261) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
76429 No.1   [Reply]

Old MSPaint thread?

3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.5  
File: 1273759361676.png -(56491 B, 821x689) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.6  
File: 1273759426810.png -(21603 B, 870x633) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.7  



>> No.8  
File: 1273822318321.jpg -(33774 B, 1013x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.9  


File: 1270143140932.jpg -(24716 B, 480x347) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24716 No.1   [Reply]

IX. Slow moving black and white frames flickering on the silver screen of vast Western landscapes. Flatness like the mouth of God punctuated by the arrhythmic intrusion of massive stone monoliths painted in brilliant stripes of orange and earthy mauve. Like giants, watchers, lurching with age, observers of geologic time, embodiments of death. Clouds sparse or nonexistent. The sky a vast and infinite blue, daily transforming into warmth and violence.

These scenes slowly creep by in black and white. Canyons of static and representation. Scratches and dust on the film. Canyons of static and representation. The moment before the scream arrested.
Wearing paints of sand, nude, a small horde is loosely collected. They wander in the vast blue above and cracked clay below, a dry lake bed. Locked as they are into affective loops, arranged like leaves haphazardly blown about a sidewalk, they see this landscape as the remnants of their past concrete utopia. The ubiquitous mirage smeared on the horizon, painted heat surrounding them, reminds them of the reflected brilliance of the sun across walls of glass and chrome, blessing the skins of their international style palaces. The sand like so much waste and cigarette butts, and discarded paper.

These wanderers have reached the height of the new beauty. Living puppets, trapped in their own shit circuit affections, ordinates of something they can’t quite remember. But they remember the bloodlust of avarice, manifest as it is in endocrine-electric shocks from the head to the genitals, to the stomach, to the genitals, to the head, to the stomach and so on.

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>> No.3  

"scream out what you've lost."

Is this streaming consciousness or the product of hours of analysis? Probably a mixture of both?

Does it have a specific meaning or structure behind it or does it have multiple layers and is more open to interpretation?

Either way I like it.

>> No.4  

This was a interesting read. Thank you for posting.

>> No.5  
File: 1271425526636.jpg -(26844 B, 550x273) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

VIII. The mainstream is occult worship of the divine, and the absolute ordinariness of black masses held in shit tombs piled to the ceiling with skulls. I’ve seen it before, it was in a movie. “I could give two shits.” Somewhere people are handling snakes, speaking in tongues.

Normally I would jack off to buttfuck porn and get hard at women being spit on. This is simply another day like any other. Someone else would go to McDonald’s and order a cheeseburger, another would wander decisively yet chaotically, arhythmically through the mall, none of these things is more or less perverse than the other.

Perverse as the evening news.

Perverse as colored, patterned cellular phone cases.

Perverse as plastic.

Perverse as sterility and microchips.

Sometimes we want to make love, sometimes we want to fuck, and sometimes in public we may encounter a delicious stranger we want to become and destroy; to recombine and annihilate, with or without violence, preferably with, if they enjoy it, but most definitely if they do not. Or just buy her flowers and go for a walk. All these things are equally plausible, none is most perverse.

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>> No.6  

So you want to buttfuck Ophelia?

>> No.7  


File: 1269596465224.jpg -(166598 B, 354x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
166598 No.1   [Reply]
12 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.14  
File: 1270561203971.jpg -(74286 B, 372x512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


the incredible coincidence that today I made my own Oath of the Abyss XDD

I would love to share with you part of the ritual, but it would lose enough of its original meaning because it translated into English

The main purpose of this ritual, is to commit to cross the gates of the Perilous Chapel, which may correspond to cross any of the three Veils of the Tree of Life, including the Abyss, of course...
that's what I find on the Perilous Chapel ...?? jejeje

In order not to lose, I will use a devotional work with the figure of Cracky as a link between Nuit and Babalon ...

23! Hail Cracky, Ave Eris!!

you're a crack, Dude!!

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>> No.15  

This isn't about Cracky...

>> No.16  
File: 1273941323775.jpg -(184657 B, 629x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


All is about cracky, everytime....

>> No.17  

Not this board retard, go back to imgboard.

>> No.18  


File: 1273942130288.jpg -(66087 B, 540x610) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
66087 No.1   [Reply]


14 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.16  

We need a better name and more of a set out thing.
Liaologists or Opheliaists sound nice. I like the sound of Opheliaists the best.

>> No.17  

Why not ask her what you should call yourself?

>> No.18  

I remember that term term came from something she said.

>> No.19  

It might be because she wants to sex dead people.

>> No.20  


File: 1273770500955.jpg -(30144 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
30144 No.1   [Reply]
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.7  

so she's referring to some other lia in the note?

>> No.8  

/r/ this thread is deleted as it has become off topic

>> No.9  


It was never on topic.

>> No.10  
File: 1274090985068.jpg -(100798 B, 750x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.11  


No.1   [Reply]

you are all a bunch of underage faggots. she is just some cunt who wants to try and be a vampire cause she read twilight.

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>> No.4  

1805. It's a German literary classic.

>> No.5  

Ophelia wrote twilight back in 1745.
It is a wonderful book, much unlike this modern vampire shit, the original was a tale of religious discovery.

>> No.6  

By Twilight I presume you are referring to the classic "Twilight over England" by well known Fascist, and supporter of Mosley, William Joyce. This was published in 1940. I heartily advise you to read it.

>> No.7  

i laughed

>> No.8  


File: 1272884595882.jpg -(34891 B, 311x311) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
34891 No.1   [Reply]
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>> No.7  
File: 1273508087737.jpg -(72079 B, 380x507) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.8  
File: 1273508112658.jpg -(33312 B, 415x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ITT: Stalking moot.

>> No.9  
File: 1273508185608.jpg -(226591 B, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.11  
File: 1273555484785.jpg -(32077 B, 459x437) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


File: 1272882239487.jpg -(24563 B, 273x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24563 No.1   [Reply]

Well who and what could this be?

8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.10  
File: 1273290090962.jpg -(141033 B, 1250x790) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.11  
File: 1273290406497.jpg -(149279 B, 900x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.12  

Oh, it's not a bad thing, not at all, Molko is quite delicious.

>> No.14  


File: 1271614400056.jpg -(3200579 B, 1863x2418) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3200579 No.1   [Reply]

I like Kristen Bell.

>> No.2  

i like her too

>> No.3  
File: 1271921660645.jpg -(55344 B, 356x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I like Christian Bell.

>> No.5  


jeff doesn't like underage b& nudes here, so try not to post them

>> No.6  
File: 1273201711882.png -(450201 B, 500x681) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I like Christian Bale

File: 1272966762019.jpg -(15136 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
15136 No.1   [Reply]

hello im blue cat. i didnt know there was a site like this so you probably dont think im a true fan

27 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.29  
File: 1272969294178.jpg -(77736 B, 415x235) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Lily is not there to heal you. Don't make her out to be what she isn't.

>> No.30  
File: 1272969599694.jpg -(38257 B, 600x319) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i like your voice

>> No.31  

oh it seems like you belong here. me appreciates of this thread.

>> No.32  

All About Lily Chou-Chou and End of Evangelion are my two favorite movies. I salute this thread's existence

>> No.33

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