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Lia Nudes

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70312 No.1   [Reply]

Lia, how do I ask her out on a date? I get all shy around her :-\

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>> No.8  

She's 17!

>> No.9  


we are all pedos

>> No.10  


What, so she's a pedo trap?

>> No.11  

Speaking of rape.

>> No.12  

Rape of speaking

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42285 No.1   [Reply]

Perrenial Philosophy
Perennial philosophy is the philosophical concept, which states that each of the world’s religious traditions share a single truth. Perennial philosophy asserts that there is a single divine foundation of all religious knowledge, referred to as the universal truth. Each world religion, independent of its cultural or historical context, is simply a different interpretation of this knowledge. World religions including, but not limited to, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto,Sikhism and Buddhism, are all derived from the same universal truth. Although the sacred scriptures of these world religions are undeniably diverse and often oppose each other, each world religion has been formed to fit the social, mental and spiritual needs of their respective epoch and culture. Therefore, perennial philosophy maintains that each world religion has flourished from the foundation of the same universal truth, making these differences superficial and able to be cast aside to find religion’s deeper spiritual meaning.
At the core of the Perennial Philosophy we find four fundamental doctrines.
First: the phenomenal world of matter and of individualized consciousness--the world of things and animals and men and even gods--is the manifestation of a Divine Ground within which all partial realities have their being, and apart from which they would be non-existent.
Second: human beings are capable not merely of knowing about the Divine Ground by inference; they can also realize its existence by a direct intuition, superior to discursive reasoning. This immediate knowledge unites the knower with that which is known.
Third: man possesses a double nature, a phenomenal ego and an eternal Self, which is the inner man, the spirit, the spark of divinity within the soul. It is possible for a man, if he so desires, to identify himself with the spirit and therefore with the Divine Ground, which is of the same or like nature with the spirit.
Fourth: man’s life on earth has only one end and purpose: to identify himself with his eternal Self and so to come to unitive knowledge of the Divine Ground.

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>> No.11  
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The Jewish mystics meditated. This illuminated state enabled them to directly understand the creative forces existing both within us and manifesting in the outer world. This invisible energy was found in the darkness. Everywhere was this powerful endless light full of abundant energy.
The Kabbalists say that God willed to see God which caused the first contraction in the Absolute All or En Sof, making a place for the mirror of Existence
AIN SOF is the title of God who is everywhere. AIN SOF is the One to the Zero of AIN. This is the totality of what is and is not. AIN SOF is God the Immanent, the Absolute ALL. AIN SOF has no Attributes, because attributes can only be manifest within finite (limited, bounded) existence realms and AIN SOF is (Infinite, Unbounded, Limitless, Without End) and Transcendant...
The name Ein-Sof indicates there is absoluately no way to comprehend hmi either by thought or contemplation because he is completely inconceivable... It should be clear that as for all the images and pictures we use they are not actually so, God forbid, but only used to propriate the ear so that one can understand the spiritual things that can not be grasped or comprehended at all.
The surge of infinite energy and light, Ein Sof, is referred to in the Zohar as the Tehiru Ela'ah, the "higher brilliance"
Ein Sof, literally means limitless, without end, unbounded, infinite.

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>> No.13  
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Christian Gnostics

Our great wisdom tradition assumes that this greatest or subtle primordial awareness wisdom dimension is hidden from egoic conceptual mind to varying degrees – from slightly hidden to deeply hidden. It is revealed step-by-step as the spiritual aspirant ascends through the practice of the path of gnosis.
The duty of the Church was to make a true and genuine effort to understand the Ancient Christian Mysteries which are simply a fuller revelation of all the Ancient Mysteries, which were instituted to lead man back to God by his becoming self-conscious of his Divinity and Divine Origin; to that God in whom we live and move, and have our being, and by leading him gradually, and step by step, as he is properly prepared to receive it, reveal the true nature of his being and a scientific process for Spiritual regeneration. We can never hope for a united Christianity and a wide acceptance and recognition of the One Universal Religion which has been in the World from the beginning of time until this duty is fulfilled. "As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen."
The Christian Mysteries were practically forbidden by the Church about the 8th century for political and ecclesiastical purposes from which time with many notable individual exceptions, the Church as an organization, both Catholic and Protestant, has become largely corrupted and materialized, and is very largely, at the present day, in many instances, not much more than a social, moral and material organization, with True Spirituality and the Science of True Spiritual Regeneration and Psychic and Spiritual Unfoldment crowded into the background
Clement of Alexandria speaks of the Monadic Gnosis and the metaphysical unity of all relative spacetime being in God. Valentinus tells of the “source of the all, the Ineffable One liveth in the Monad… alone, in the silence and none was before him. “Your Father in Heaven is one. “

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>> No.14  
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In essence, the initial unity of creation continues to exist, not in the form of a singularity, but through various bonding relationships that allow multiple forms of creation to maintain their linkage to the initial "oneness" of the universe.
the Divine Beloved is realized as the indivisible unity of life,

If someone assumes the presence of a second being other than “ALLAH,” —apart from “ALLAH,” he is then entirely in a state of error resulting from an incapability of deep thinking
Whatever they consider as “GOD” or whatever they call “GOD” does not exist at all, but it is ONLY “ALLAH” that exists in reality!” “Their god” and ours are just the same and one. Moreover, it is still “ALLAH,” and is nothing other than “ALLAH

The Spirit within me is the same Spirit that is in you.

>> No.15  
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In occultism, akasha it is also defined as the other of the two worlds, the world through which the mwitch or magician walks through being realted to outer space, inner space, life force and the un-manifest.
In short, our Deity is the eternal, incessantly evolving, not creating, builder of the universe; that universe itself unfolding out of its own essence, not being made. It is a sphere, without circumference, in its symbolism, which has but one ever-acting attribute embracing all other existing or thinkable attributes-itself. It is the one law, giving the impulse to manifested, eternal, and immutable laws, within that never-manifesting, because absolute law, which in its manifesting periods is The ever-Becoming.
The Buddhists, on the other hand, deny either subjective or objective reality even to that one Self-Existence. Buddha declares that there is neither Creator nor an ABSOLUTE Being. Buddhist rationalism was ever too alive to the insuperable difficulty of admitting one absolute consciousness, as in the words of Flint - "wherever there is consciousness there is relation, and wherever there is relation there is dualism." The ONE LIFE is either "MUKTA" (absolute and unconditioned) and can have no relation to anything nor to any one; or it is "BADDHA" (bound an conditioned), and then it cannot be called the ABSOLUTE; the limitation, moreover, necessitating another deity as powerful as the first to account for all the evil in this world. Hence, the Arahat secret doctrine on cosmogony admits but of one absolute, indestructible, eternal, and uncreated UNCONSCIOUSNESS (so to translate), of an element (the word is used for want of a better term) absolutely independent of everything else in the universe; a something ever present or ubiquitous, a Presence which ever was, is, and will be, whether there is a God, gods or none; whether there is a universe or no universe; existing during the eternal cycles of Maha Yugas, during the Pralayas as during the periods of Manvantara: and this is SPACE, the field for the operation of the eternal Forces and natural Law, the basis (as our correspondent rightly calls it) upon which take place the eternal intercorrelations of Akasa-Prakriti, guided by the unconscious regular pulsations of Sakti - the breath or power of a conscious deity, the theists would say - the eternal energy of an eternal, unconscious Law, say the Buddhists. Space then, or Fan, Bar-nang (Maha-Sunyata) or, as it is called by Lao-Tze, the "Emptiness" is the nature of the Buddhist Absolute.

No.1   [Reply]

Whats Ophelias real name? Also location.

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>> No.6  


Bristol street in Hawaii?

>> No.7  

bristol street, gtfo, not like any of you newfags could get it anyway

>> No.8  


Wat, you mad?

You do realise that Bristol Street was a joke, right?

>> No.9  


I take it you know then? Before you ask, I do.

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52859 No.1   [Reply]

'I want to stab someone I love whilst hugging them. I'd stab them in the tummy and feel the warm blood rush out, the warmth would be beautiful. I'd never stop eye contact with them either, I want to watch the life drain out of there face and then feeling there body go limp on my arms. I would then lay the body down and go on to sort of explore the body in a sense, you know, cutting open and removing organs. I would then live off of the meat from the body for weeks.'


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>> No.11  

raymond moody

guru maa

robert monroe

sylvan muldoon

oliver fox

mrs eileen garrett

ingo swann

>> No.12  


A list of people with supposed paranormal abilities. Any particular relevance?

>> No.14  

Any more?

>> No.15  

Looks like Lia will be the next one in prison.

No.1   [Reply] silly lia can barely read its so cute she hesitates and stumbles over almost every other word.

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>> No.7  


Got that yet?

>> No.8  


>> No.9  


>> No.10  


More like this?

>> No.11  

I've heard a few others.

No.1   [Reply]

sauce on lia_nudes song plz

>> No.2  

It's a song called "Poo" by Thai group "Neko Jump". They're like a weeaboo Thai group. I shit you not on the title.

>> No.3  


Thank you.

No.1   [Reply]

It's good to see Lia nudes back but isn't it missing some content?

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>> No.4  

you need to view the source of the problem

>> No.5  

Which would be?

>> No.6  

as in "view html source"

>> No.7  

just thought I would share the link, you were supposed to view the HTML source

>> No.8  


Thanks, I had a great fap.

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43909 No.1   [Reply]

I love this.

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>> No.5  
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Even if she does look wasted.

>> No.6  


She's on a roof during the day drinking wine? Nice.

>> No.7  

So pretty...

>> No.8  

thats unreal

>> No.9  

Be my wife, Ophelia.

File: 1295188009366.jpg -(732742 B, 1600x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
732742 No.1   [Reply]
>> No.2  

What Lia will do to us.

File: 1294691138973.jpg -(1565507 B, 1546x1146) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1565507 No.1   [Reply]

An art exhibition in Germany.

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>> No.4  


>> No.5  

I wish I was there.

>> No.6  

What about this? why?

>> No.7  

What about this? why?

>> No.8  



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