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Crackle Christmas

No.1   [Reply]

You are now thinking of Olivia Masturbating.

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>> No.5  
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>> No.6  
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>> No.7  

This is sadly linking two of my fetishes.

>> No.8  


Burly men and gay sex?

>> No.9  

Cracky and girls with moustaches

No.1   [Reply]

Jesus, I'm going to have to ration myself, much as this'll hurt, as far as irony is concerned on here in future. A few weeks ago I posted a denunciation of Lia's infringement of an alleged unspoken "territorial imperative" which I assumed was premissed on such an evidently despicable and ridiculous view of things that no one could possibly imagine it was meant seriously. But apparently there really are some nutcases who frequent this board and genuinely suffer from such pathological delusions as that "Cracky belongs to some ineffable and transcendent order of being in which ordinary mortals can claim no part" or that "Cracky was much, much more than just a clever, pretty, self-involved teenage girl and no one who is JUST a clever, pretty, self-involved teenage girl like Lia has the right even to imply that she might be on a par with her".

Personally I see no contradiction at all in considering someone to be "just" a clever, pretty, self-involved teenage girl while also considering them to be the closest we will ever get to knowing and touching purity and divinity in this miserable and fallen realm we call human life. And, having enjoyed the possible benefit of arriving a couple of years (on another construal, a few decades) too late to have ever really encountered and experienced Cracky herself, I think I can further contribute the following, possibly nutritive perspective:

The impression the whole ramified "culture of Cracky" makes on a 50-year-old Internet illiterate wandering into it from outside is rather like the impression made by the Beatlemania of the 60's on a famous German intellectual who likewise only encountered it as a total latecomer and outsider, in his sedate and unmusical middle age. Max Horkheimer makes the remark, somewhere in the writings of his last years, that he was truly shocked and disoriented by the fact of how uncannily similar to one another all four Beatles were, as if they were cloned variations on a single young man, with the gene of winsome affability emphasized in Paul, that of introspective meditativeness in George, that of sardonic aggressivity in John etc.

Scanning all the dozens of girls I have seen to be involved, more or less casually or enduringly, in this culture in which the name "Cracky" recurs again and again, I have to admit that I experience a feeling very similar to Horkheimer's - although I'm aware, of course, that the thought will probably seem as utterly amateurish, ignorant, and off-beam to genuine Cracky obsessives as Horkheimer's Beatles insight (or lack of insight) doubtless seemed to genuine Beatles connoisseurs. I also am struck by an uncanny "clone-like" or "sister-like" quality that is present in almost all the girls drawn into the Cracky culture, already long before each of them yields to the insistent urgings of others that they apply Cracky make-up or adopt some specific Cracky pose or mannerism. The possibility has already often enough been noted of accurately and comprehensively characterizing each one of these girls in terms of additions and subtractions, hypertrophy and atrophy, of qualities more purely and emphatically present in others ("So-and-so = RavRav plus so-and-so minus so-and-so" and so on).

I suppose that there are many, many factors accounting for this impression that the girls are as it were merely kaleidoscopically shifting aspects of a single, never fully perceptible and determinable Girl. Fashion itself, of course - the immensely vast and delicate force-field that never ceases to mold and direct and animate young women's ceaseless pondering on what style and color of hair, what make-up, what general manner and persona will make the best impression on their social circle - could well be construed, by a mind of metaphysical bent, in terms of just such a mystically guiding Collective Consciousness. But whatever one puts the phenomenon down to, I think the fact of it alone is enough to invalidate any territorialistic "Cracky fundamentalism" which forbids us, in all seriousness, to have "any God beside", and Heaven forbid "before", Cracky herself and attempts to dictate just what, or just who, a "Cracky board" should be about.

Perhaps someone who cannot claim to share the surely foundational experience of having loved Olivia herself has no right to express this idea even as an hypothesis, or at least no right to express it here, but I'll end by expressing it anyway:

Another somewhat uncanny circumstance is the frequency with which I find myself citing, in Crackyhouse-related connections, themes and ideas from Jorge Luis Borges (actually not one of my favorite authors). Above and beyond and behind the impression of "cloning" and "mystical sisterhood", I sometimes seem to make out here the uncertain lineaments of a metaphysical mystery for which there is maybe not even a name, or to which different religions have given different names. Borges imagines in his story "The Approach to Al Mutaz'im" the slow approximation of a pilgrim to some holy figure toward whom he appears to be being led and guided by this figure's fragmentary reflections or prefigurations in other figures he meets on his uncertain way: a mannerism acquired, a tune taken over and obsessively hummed or whistled, from this "Al Mutaz'im" who is thus pervasively partially present but nowhere present really and in his entirety.

I ask myself whether it might be a mistake to believe that we can assign even to Cracky an essentially fuller and more final share in the being and identity of such an "Al Mutaz'im" than we can, say, to Lia, or to RavRav, or to any other of the hundred other girls who constitute approaches and approximations to....something we cannot name. In my 1970's London childhood, I remember being an avid follower of the British sci-fi TV show "Blake's Seven". The show, if I remember rightly, was notable for having run on into three or four multi-episode series even though the inarguably "central" character - "Blake" himself - was no longer to be seen on the show after the end of the first series. The reasons for this anomalous and novel narrative strategy were surely depressingly extraneous and prosaic: contractual problems, doubtless, between the producers and the actor who played Blake. But like many remembered childhood impressions, this idea too of a resoundingly and somehow fascinatingly "empty centre" has acquired. with the years, mystical and metaphysical connotations for me and has melded now with Borges' more overtly metaphysical "Al Mutaz'im". Also with my - indeed radically distanced and derivative - experience of Cracky and Crackyhouse. I remember experiencing a sense of awe and marvel at how the gaping inexplicable absence of "Blake" was able to transform, somehow, the otherwise somewhat nondescript and uninspiring "Seven" and make of them something they had not been, something that even Blake had not been, when he was visibly and tangibly present as a "center".

I will not try to pursue these vague analogies - the ramifications of which I have not even worked out myself - any further. Particularly as even wider ramifications are opened up by the additional fact that some expert on 1970's British children's television (I'm sure there's at least one such expert present here) will certainly be quick to point out: namely, that "Blake" eventually reappeared.

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>> No.20  

What I understood from OP's post is that, given the parallels between the Beatles phenomenon, a Brittish TV show and the idea that all current Cracky-influenced camwhores (as well as Cracky herself) are the reflection of an Ideal (which is correct, and we call that ideal The Sky Queen), we can thus assume that Cracky herself will one day return, much like Blake did (and, come to think of it, how the Beatles still release albums).

Would it have hurt you, OP, to be less verbose?

>> No.22  

Now Alex as >>3 >>7, I have often struggled with the nature of the role I fit very well on boards and in life to a less successful degree. I have had many Native American friends and among my Lakota ones, the role of Thunderbird is one I very much identify with. The Plains Indians identified the role of Thunderbird as one of a trickster, especially in regards to exhibited inversion and reversal as elements of satire. In the Heyoka shamanistic societies I especially find a sorted of dislocated kindred spirit. The behaviors of those identified as tricksters usually revolved around a few basic themes or attributes: burlesque, mocking the sacred, playing pranks or practical jokes, making obscene jokes or gestures, caricature of others, exhibiting gross gluttony or extreme appetite, strange acts of self-mortification or self-deprecation, and taunting of enemies or strangers.

Pretty much Schwill in a nutshell amirite?

There were several types of clowning societies in the Plains Indians, but we will ignore them and focus on those ones most relevant to my post. The Heyoka were different in three primary ways from the other sorts of clowns. They were truly unpredictable, and could do the unexpected or tasteless even during the most solemn of occasions. Moreso than other clowns, they really seemed to be insane. Also, they were thought to be more inspired by trans-human supernatural forces (as individuals driven by spirits rather than group conventions), and to have a closer link to wakan or power than other clowns. And lastly, they kept their role for life - it was a sacred calling which could not be given up without performing an agonizing ritual of expiation. Not surprisingly, these unique differences were seen as the result of their having visions of Thunderbird, a unique and transforming experience.

However insulting or sacrilegious heyoka actions might be, they were tolerated, since it was assumed they were acting on the higher and more inscrutable imperatives of the Great Mystery. Heyoka were freed from all the ordinary constraints of life, and thus were usually not expected to marry, have children, or participate in the work of the tribe. Despite their bizarre acts (such as dressing in warm clothes during summer or wearing things inside out), they were trusted as healers, interpreters of dreams, and people of great medicine. Whenever they interrupted the solemnity of a ceremony, people took it as an admonition to see beyond the literalness of the ritual and into the deeper mysteries of the sacred. Like the flash of lightning, the heyoka's sudden outbursts and disturbances were thought to be the keys to enlightenment - much like the absurd acts of Zen masters in Japan.

Psychological anthropologists, especially those oriented toward psychoanalytic theory and depth psychology, point to the Trickster figure as a sort of important cultural "release valve." He represents the "return of the repressed," the Dionysian aspects of life only temporarily held in abeyance by the Apollonian forces of civilization. The carnivals and feasts held in honor of fools in Europe, suggest some anthropologists, are "outlets," allowing people to invert the social order temporarily as a way of promoting its continuity in the long run (avoiding its ultimate collapse.) The ruler is dressed in peasants' clothes, and some ignorant serf is crowned king. Symbols of authority normally held in extreme reverence are mocked and desecrated.

Clowns and contraries in Plains societies do not just come out once a year, however. They are permanent parts of the society, and are seen as continual reminders of the contingency and arbitrariness of the social order. Long before French theorists came on the scene, the heyoka was reminding his own people about the social construction of reality. By doing everything backwards, the heyoka in a way is carrying out a constant experiment in ethnomethodology, showing people how their own expectations limit their behavior. Like a good performance artist, the shocking behavior of the heyoka is supposed to confront people and make them reconsider what they may have arbitrarily accepted as normal. It's to "jolt" them out of their ordinary frames of mind.

The two posts you singled out in your response to this thread are lazy examples of my what I think of as my mind beating my conscious to the keyboard, but you correctly identified them for what they were none the less. It is a shame modern society has no trickster characters to identify with, all that is left are sad tired monotonous /b/tards trying to fit in with something they see as hip, and something that has caused me a rather lot of problems in the real world.

Should have responded properly sooner, but work is what work is.

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>> No.23  
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Rav Rav'd look so good dead.

>> No.24  

In many ways, Anonymous (by which I mean the hivemind, the transpersonal superego) is a heyoka -- Anon does and either likes or pretends to like things which fall well outside of the common norms. However, Anonymousdoes not do these things to challenge an established viewpoint, he does them because he can and they amuse him. A very good example of this can be found on the 4chan archive:

However, as much as we'd like Cracky herself to be this vision of the Thunderbird, the cause or the effect of the embodiment of the Trickster archetype, she will never be one. We love her for what she is (which I won't get into), but we generally don't see her as a teacher or a clown. Her actions, while disturbing to some, are perfectly in tune with the general expectations of Anonymous. In that sense, and in keeping with the Native analogy, she may be the medicine woman of our tribe, but not a heyoka or a Jackal.

On the other hand, one may argue that this situation is akin to the Shakespeare Theatre Company's 1997 Othello, which starred Patrick Stewart as a white Othello in an otherwise Black society -- Cracky might be the least insane person in a topsy-turvy society of heyokas.

No.1   [Reply]

Slightly related to this place.

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52790 No.1   [Reply]

Sometimes I feel bad. I get so bored waiting for pics that I act out in the hope of at least sparking some reaction to entertain me when I visit the boards. I don't think anyone on here knows me. No one knows I am a pretty decent person in real life. I donate much of my time to charity, I am a devout Catholic and very seriously considered entering the seminary. No one knows that my favorite way to fritter away free time is being outside, walking and enjoying nature. All they see is some asshole who likes to drink and make an ass out of himself in an attempt to get someone to respond. This artificial construct I made for you, this damaged individual tailor made to make you all feel better about yourselves. He is familiar, he gives people a focus and reason to post, but it almost bothers me that people think he is me, then I remember I don't really give a fuck what any buddy thinks. I enjoy my life including the very rare times when these sites can make me smile.

So make me smile, because what else are you good for?

7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.9  

Who is your patron, Ringer?

Mine is St. Moses the Black
When my mother forsook Judaism and I was allowed to fully convert to my Father's faith(which I thought was totally badass and awesome as fuck before I discovered/invented Crackyism,) I was the we tender age of thirteen, and I had just seen Pulp Fiction. Now Jules Winnfield struck me as the most passionate and truest Catlick I had ever seen(even knowing that he never professed the faith or claimed it in anyway during the movie[later research would show his wrath of god speech was nonexistent in the bible]) I wanted the hardest mother fucker I could find to be my Patron.

Simply put St. Moses the Black was the dude for me.

>> No.10  

Without wanting to deny that I have myself derived considerable innocent pleasure from Tarantino over the years, I do feel compelled to warn you about the dangers he poses to your otherwise admirable style of prose composition.

Your phrase "pretty fucking far from a hipster" already clearly betrayed you as a (possibly excessively) frequent viewer and re-viewer of "Pulp Fiction" even before you confessed to a deep and long-standing involvement with that movie, lifted as it plainly is, mutatis mutandis, from that film's peerlessly clammy scene of homosexual rape.

I'm the last one to cast the first stone in these matters, having spent most of the mid-1980's writing in what amounted to little more than an anglicized echolalia of the middle-period works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and having ceded, like so many of us, in the late 1990's, to the temptation of a veritable linguistic Doppelgangerism vis-à-vis the estimable Arno Schmidt.

There is no higher goal to be striven for, however, than that of authenticity of idiolect, which - given this latter term's intriguing etymology and the primary denotation of its classical Greek root - cannot but be tantamount to autonomy of idiolect, or to the throwing off of any too powerful an allogenic source of verbal inspiration.

Should absolute idiolectal autonomy be, in your view, a goal set so high as to verge on the chimerical - and that is a view of things I would by no means dismiss out of hand - I would suggest, then, perhaps a "rotation system" of movie obsessions as a way of masking, where they cannot be eliminated, the symptoms of pathic linguistic anacliticism. For the Catholic, for example, there is surely no movie more immediately and virulently generative of a (hopefully novel) strain of mimeticism than John Huston's typically impeccably dialogically faithful filming of Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood". Brad Dourif is indisputably several shades more mentally disturbed than Jackson, Travolta, Willis, or even Keitel ever had it in them to be and the unjustly forgotten Amy Wright makes Uma Thurman look like the daughter of a philosophy professor from New England.

God is a trick on niggers.

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>> No.11  
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My Patron Saint could kick your Patron Saints ass

>> No.12  

My patron is Saint Bruno, whose feast we shall celebrate in two days; today being the feast of Saint Francis, patron Saint of Animals, among other things.
Saint Bruno cut himself off from the world, becoming a hermit - however, other hermits flocked to him and in order to form a communally eremetic lifestyle, he formed the Carthusian order.
He is of great inspiration to me.

>> No.13  

Newbs, my patron saint is Saint Muhammad, the bishop of Hispania and patron of changes.

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114583 No.1   [Reply]
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>> No.12  


>> No.13  

Welcome to /cracky/. We like girls who smoke and cut here.

>> No.14  

Emotional instability is sexy too.

>> No.15  
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>> No.16  


No.1   [Reply]

>>10 idc, i want pic of crack-slut

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35241 No.1   [Reply]

Internet psyche tests are bullshit.

>> No.2  

Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Yes, yes they are.

>> No.3  
>Psychology is bullshit.


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211406 No.1   [Reply]

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77696 No.1   [Reply]


>> No.2  
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86482 No.1   [Reply]
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>> No.11  
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>> No.12  
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>> No.13  
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>> No.14  
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>> No.15  


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