Yume Nikki: The game follows a female hikikomori named Madotsuki, at home in her apartment, the only area she can explore when awake. Though the apartment has a balcony, attempting to open the door to the outside world results in Madotsuki shaking her head. Her only means of entertainment are a television, which shows a simple testcard when interacted with, and a Famicom-style game console with the game 'Nasu' (Eggplant), a simple game where the player eats eggplants. There is also a writing desk which the player can use to save data.[2]
When Madotsuki sleeps she begins to dream, the player is presented with a dream world which resembles the same room Madotsuki fell asleep in, with some minor differences. In this dream world the player is able to leave the room, which will lead to a zone of 12 doors commonly known as "the Hub" or "the Door Room". All 12 doors open from the start, each leading to a different world, and often worlds themselves will contain portals or doors to other places, such as an area made out of large blocks in a design resembling a motherboard. One section of the game has also been made to closely resemble the original EarthBound game in homage. The player can interact with objects, although few will provide any response. The player can choose to wake from dreams at any time, causing Madotsuki to pinch her cheek and wake up.
Let's Play:
I am the 1000 of my GET.
DQN is my body, and Kopipe is my blood.
I have created over a thousand posts.
Unknown to /b/
Nor known to 4-ch.
Have withstood bans to create many flamewars.
Yet, those posts will never contribute anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Troll Works.