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File: 1227183037562.jpg -(78964 B, 480x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
78964 No.1   [Reply]

We are Olivampires. Olivia Vampires. We can try to run away. We can tell ourselves we don't need it. We can fight it all we want. However, eventually we find ourselves feeding once again.

We recruit more and more into this twisted affair, "turning" others into Olivampires.

It keeps us from death, much like turning someone into a real vampire. The catch is, there are great ups, but horrible downs. Even if we are saved from death by embracing Olivia, it may be temporary. We may desire to kill ourselves when we cannot bare it anymore, anyway.

The real interesting angle is that Olivia is also a vampire. She feeds off of all of us. It is dual vampirism that is a recipe for madness and destruction.

>> No.2  
File: 1227183163664.jpg -(98129 B, 500x382) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3  
> We recruit more and more into this twisted affair, "turning" others into Olivampires.

Also, we are fucked.

>> No.4  

Olivampires feed off of what exactly? Pics? Images? Mere shadows? sounds like the life of a slave

>> No.5  

Livvie is what is keeping me going, as well as killing me, everyday.

>> No.6  

I would call us parasites but that would be an insult to them.
Parasites, although not very high on the food chain, are actually very gifted evolution-wise. They have no natural predators and once they find a host they never have to hunt for food. They have found their respective niches, and become the unequivical masters of it.

This means we are pretty much fail harder then a tape worm.

>> No.7  

I would call us parasites but that would be an insult to them.
Parasites, although not very high on the food chain, are actually very gifted evolution-wise. They have no natural predators and once they find a host they never have to hunt for food. They have found their respective niches, and become the unequivical masters of it.

This means we are pretty much fail harder then a tape worm.

>> No.8  


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