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File: 1231199337607.jpg -(29170 B, 240x318) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
29170 No.1   [Reply]

I was lurking Vi's room the other night when someone mentioned Niku Daruma. It was the first time I've seen someone else talk about it. I have a lot of hard to find, messed up gore / sex / necro movies from Asia, Japan, and misc. places. I'm going to start by uploading some of the better clips from these movies and probably move on to uploading the entire films in chunks.

This clip is from the previosly mentioned, Niku Daruma, from Japan. "Meat Doll" or "Tumbling Doll Of Flesh" are some of the names it's also known by. This is the most fucked up part of the movie. It involves a girl's legs being chopped off, feces, and GUTFUCKING. Sounds good? Good.


>> No.2  
File: 1231199371332.png -(378170 B, 512x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This one is a hilarious clip from another Japanese film, Muzan-e. It involves a guy in a bathtub doing sexual things to a girl on her period. The water gradually turns redder and redder. At two points in this clip, he goes down on the girl, swishes his mouth with her menstrual blood as if it were mouth wash, then spits it out like a fountain.


>> No.3  


>> No.4  
File: 1231587361380.png -(320958 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This one isn't so much gore as just fucked up. I think the movie was known as "Mad Necro Hospital" or something. Japanese again. It's basically some kind of weird hospital where they bring people to life by doing sexual things with them. You can just imagine the kind of messed up scenes there are.

This scene in particular is pretty funny. Girl is being shocked, guy goes in and starts kissing her. Then SLIME OVERLOAD while they're kissing. The other female doctor makes a licking motion with her mouth like she wants down on this. Just really bizarre.

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