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346858 No.1   [Reply]

in the beginning, there was light.
light so hot nothing else could exist.
but the void grew faster than the light, and that was good.
and out of the light came the tiny heralds of what was to come.
as small to an apple as an apple is to our spherical world.
for i tell you light can become solid and the solid can become light.
and the heralds waited in the light for their time.
and four hundred millenia later when it could be so, so it was.
and these things called atoms fell together.
children of the light, great clouds of atoms were formed.
called by mutual attraction, forced to become one.
growing in size, gaining mass until at the centre of the great clouds came a new light.
as new atoms of the first and simplest kind were forced together to become the second kind.
and behold, the first star was formed.
soon there were many stars swirling by the hundreds of thousands of millions.
floating in islands like discs.
each island separate and racing apart.
and the islands themselves should be numbered by the hundreds of thousands of millions.
and some of the stars were small and burned slow and dim and long.
and some were giant and burned bright blue and fast.
making atoms of the third, fourth, up to the twenty-sixth kind until they could burn no more.
and then they'd die a powerful death, building up atoms until the ninety-second kind and beyond.
which they spread along with abundant, blinding light.
like seeds back into the void, disturbing the stillness of the surrounding atomic clouds.
giving birth to countless stars in their wake.
but these new stars drew around them disc shaped cloaks of the ninety-two types of atoms.
the ashes and the seeds of the first giant stars.
and the heavier elements fell towards the new stars.
and over millions of years there formed worlds of rock and metal to encircle the sun.
and away from the star worlds of vapor and ice were formed,
circling more slowly in accord with their greater distance from the sun.
and nine thousand million years later after the beginning,
around one star, one rocky metallic world, ninety-two types of atoms danced to the tune of the light and the lightning while mountains fell from the sky.
this place would be called earth.
and for half a billion years the dance went on.
atoms joining in ways forbidden by the heat inside the stars where they were made.
but inevitable where the magnet is mightier than the fire.
and by the law of the magnet and the lodestone one chain of many atoms begat other chains of identical form.
and the chains spread through the waters, filling them, growing in size and complexity.
taking unto them to the poisonous clouds and vapors than hung over the world,
and giving back the air.
and the sky of the earth, now clear of falling mountains, turned blue.
and chains turned to beings and beings were selected by rites of life and death.
cells turned to flesh and flesh transfigured itself by way of natural selection.
and after around two million years the homo genus was born.
habilis to heidelbergensis to sapien.
man. god.
man convinced himself of false prophets and later killed their "son of god".
and then, one thousand and eighty-nine years later, came cracky.
and the universe saw everything that it had made, and, behold, it was so fucking cute and sweet.

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