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15085 No.1   [Reply]

Well guys, I was informed that my degree is complete a few hours ago.

I used to Livejournal. I used to have a MySpace and a Twitter. I haven't used either in almost a year so this is what constitutes an online "announcement" for me.

Yay me.

My gift registry:

-Hart Marx Suit in size 46L
-Age friendly wines (reds are best)
-5 minutes with Olivia in person
-Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel

>> No.2  
File: 1236426648688.jpg -(47594 B, 610x406) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I want 5 minutes with Olivia's dead body in person. Besides that, thumbs up.

>> No.3  
File: 1237337918852.jpg -(50732 B, 500x334) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Earlier today I reached a "moving forward" kind of moment with my psychologist. She asked what I wanted to discuss next. It seemed like a good time to mention the Cracky thing...

I stammered a bit. I started three or four sentences that I let die in my mouth. The words just wouldn't come. What does one say about this to an outsider?

After several minutes of trying to get my thoughts together I gave up. I'll never forget her befuddled expression. "We'll have to come back to that one. It's complicated." It obviously didn't escape her notice that I was trembling a bit with nervous energy, to the point of having to stand up and walk around a bit. This is a great departure from my normal calm and collected army/sales tempered demeanor.

What does one say? How does one explain?

>> No.5  

You don't, unless you want them to take you away from Her.

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